Recap of Housing Affordability Luncheon | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

Recap of Housing Affordability Luncheon


Thank you for joining us to discuss housing solutions appropriate for the island of Maui.

The energy in the room was high and the conversations over lunch seemed to be very lively.  The ideas and opportunities that were shared as a result of the table discussions illustrated a point mentioned in Tamar’s welcome, “While Maui is not alone in facing this daunting issue, I believe our advantage to other communities can be a commitment to working collaboratively, creatively and with determination to solve the problem.”

From our table discussions the following ideas were shared, and we are currently considering your feedback to inform our strategy moving forward.

  • Designating specific community plan areas as “housing affordability zones” to have expedited land use approvals and special streamlined processes for affordable and workforce housing units.
  • Coordinate efforts to apply for and leverage federal housing resources available. There are federal dollars out there that Hawaii is not yet accessing.
  • Review and amend the SHIPD process to streamline approvals to move projects forward.
  • Identify the existing entitled properties, calculate units and identify infrastructure needs with estimated costs to develop a real implementation plan.
  • Partner with entities that can provide mentoring and technical assistance to build and expand the capacity of non-profit developers on Maui.
  • Provide patient, pre-development capital to support both non-profit and for-profit developers
  • Work with the statewide housing affordability coalition to engage a Maui chapter.
  • Community engagement is key to the success of housing affordability moving forward.  Community voices are core to the success of any housing initiative.
  • Financial literacy and education for first time home buyers and wrap around services for those who need them (all in one location)

Following the luncheon, we have made progress in two areas.  First, we have met individually with several stakeholders to deepen our understanding of varying perspectives.  These discussions will help inform our work with a focus on resource development, community engagement and preparing Maui families for housing opportunities.  Second, we are making progress on a comprehensive assessment of developable lands with a high-level calculation of off-site costs and densities to share with community.

Maui’s housing crisis requires our immediate attention and a commitment to collective action. As I shared, HCF is moving ahead to dedicate resources to this issue, and we are ready to support this work where we can.

We look forward to continuing the conversation in the new year and our work together.


Micah A. Kāne
CEO & President


Sent on behalf of Micah A. Kāne

*Many of you have requested the power point from the gathering, please find it attached here.


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