PUC Grants Cable Intervenor Status to 7 Groups | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

PUC Grants Cable Intervenor Status to 7 Groups

The PUC granted intervenor status in the matter of the interisland cable to a group that includes:

Life of the Land, NextEra Energy Hawaii (A mainland wind and solar development company),

Friends of Lanai (a nonprofit group of people from Lana’i opposed to the Lana’i windfarm),

Hawaii Interisland Cable LLC (An international venture capital corporation),

the Renewable Energy Action Coalition of Hawaii (a group of companies in “renewable industries” who do not disclose their members)

Kaulana Kaho’ohalahala  (Lana’i resident)

and Matthew Mano.  (Lana’i resident and former candidate for Maui County Council)

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