Makena Resort (ATC Makena)

Mākena Settlement
Maui Tomorrow along with Hoʻoponopono O Mākena and Sierra Club of Hawaii – filed suit in the Environmental Court in 2017 challenging the Maui Planning Commission’s finding of no significant impact for ATC Makena’s 47-acre project surrounding Makena Landing. The settlement protects the environment and cultural sites of Mākena and also supports the needs of Maui’s local families. The negotiations resulted in at least 60 units of housing, affordable in perpetuity and priced at or below median income levels – with first priority for these homes be given to families with historical ties to the Mākena area, giving kamaʻaina a chance to return to the land.
Learn More- 600 acres in upper Mākena Lands, 38 of these lots are limited to agriculture, with a 2 farm dwelling limitation on each.
- If zoning changed, hundreds of lots could be made into agriculture lots.
- Unit count drops from 158 to 134 on 47 acres by Mākena Landing (our goal was to reduce to 100 units).
- Overall units allowed on 1700 acres owned by MR is 1,100, plus any affordable housing (around 160 units) (zoning/ Community Plan would allow 1,400 to 3000 units)
- no additional ohana’s or Condominium Property Regime (CPR) allowed on single family lots on 47 acres
• No redevelopment of any golf course lands for residential or commercial- this is a really needed point