Lahaina Collector Road | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

Lahaina Collector Road

The two-lane roadway is proposed to run on an old cane haul road and would extend Kuhua Street about 2 miles from Keawe Street to the intersection of Front Street and Honoapiilani Highway.

The public has until May 31 to submit written testimony in response to the Kuhua Street Extension and Improvement Project. Comments may be submitted to David Goode of the county Department of Public Works at 200 S. High St., Wailuku 96793 or to Colleen Suyama of Munekiyo & Hiraga Inc. at 305 S. High St., Suite 104LW, Wailuku 96793.

The report can be viewed online at oeqc.doh.hawaii. gov/shared%20documents/ea_and_eis_online_library/maui/2010s/2013-03-23-ma-5b-dea-kuhua-street-extension. pdf.

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