Hawai’i Report: GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator) | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

Hawai’i Report: GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator)

Please take examine this fascinating 2012 look at the costs of environmental degradation in Hawaii.


NOTE: It will take some time to download (82 Megabytes), but it is worthwhile.  Thereafter you may want to save the document so that you do not have to download again.

In an effort to get away from measuring everything in terms of material change (like economist’s GDP – Gross Domestic Production), this document examines the concept of  GPI  Genuine Progress Indicator.  See PDF page 22.


Here is the Table of Contents:

Environmental Indicators

Cost of Water Pollution #1……………………………………………16-19

Cost of Air Pollution #2 ……………………………………………….20-22

Cost of Noise Pollution #3…………………………………………….23

Cost of Net Wetlands Change #4 ………………………………….24-25

Cost of Net Farmland Change #5 ………………………………….26-29

Cost of Net Forest Cover Change #6 …………………………….30-33

Cost of Climate Change #7 …………………………………………..34-36

Cost of Ozone Depletion #8 …………………………………………..37

Cost of Non-Renewable Energy Resource Depletion #9……..38-39

Cost of Personal Pollution Abatement #10…………………….40-44

Cost of Submerged Coastal Systems #11 …………………….46-47

Conclusions and Recommendations ……………………………48-52



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