County Council Considers Injection Wells Phase Out | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

County Council Considers Injection Wells Phase Out

Council Committee to review improvements needed
to initiate phasing out injection wells
For Immediate Release: February 25, 2011
Press Release by:  Councilmember Elle Cochran, Chair
                             Infrastructure Management Committee 

WAILUKU, Hawaii - The Maui County Council's Infrastructure Management Committee
will receive presentations from participants in the Department of Environmental
Management's Wastewater Community Working Group and others, Monday, Feb. 28, at
9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber, Committee Chair Elle Cochran announced today.

Councilmember Cochran emphasized that the meeting will focus primarily on water
reuse infrastructure needs and potential infrastructure upgrades that will aid
in the long-term goal of phasing out injection wells and encourage the reuse of
this valuable resource. The injection well discussion will follow a
from Public Works Director David Goode regarding the organization of the
Department of Public Works and the Department's current priorities.

The Council has indicated support for a policy that moves the County away from
reliance on injection wells. Cochran also noted that the Council's Water
Resources Committee reviewed the "Central Maui Recycled Water Verification
Study, 2010" earlier this month. 

"I look forward to engaging with the committee members to move beyond
discussions and into an analysis of concrete infrastructure improvements needed
to initiate phasing out the use of injection wells," Cochran said. "The task is
challenging, but with our ability to work intensively on this matter, I am
confident that we will be able to better engage with the Department of
Environmental Management towards positive results." 

The meeting is open to the public. Meeting agendas are available on the
Infrastructure Management Committee website. To receive meeting agendas via
e-mail, please complete the on-line subscription form on the County website at
www.mauicounty.gov. For more information, please contact the Infrastructure
Management Committee staff.

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