Pacific Whale Foundation: Olowalu Development
on August 13, 2012Reprinted from Pacific Whale Foundation website: Make Your Voice Heard! Click to read PWF’s Public Testimony opposed to Olowalu Town Development For anyone who has ever kayaked, snorkeled, sunbathed, surfed, or…
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Oluwalu Reef Survey Mile Marker 14
on August 13, 2012Upcoming reef surveys at Olowalu Reef – Mile Marker 14 Tuesday, August 14th – site change, per Darla “I love Olowalu much, but the visibility there is not good right…
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LUC Site Visit to Kihei MegaMall
on August 6, 2012The Land Use Commission site visit to Eclipse’s Pi’ilani Promenade occured August 2nd Photo courtesy of Kihei…
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Council Votes to Take Honolua/Lipoa Out of Preservation
on August 3, 2012Mahalo to the hundreds who wrote email testimony in support of keeping Lipoa point in preservation. Mahalo also to council members Elle Cochran, Don Couch and Bob Carroll for…
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State Fights for Power Over Land Developers
on August 2, 2012Sophie Cocke at Civil Beat has written an article on the Land Use Commission’s power to revert zoning to Ag when developers violate their conditions…
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Tamara Paltin’s Honolua Testimony
on July 30, 2012Aloha Chair Baisa and General Plan Committee members, The Save Honolua Coalition was formed as a result of the General Plan process. In January of 2007, a much different version…
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Biologist: Olowalu Project Threatens Reef
on July 29, 2012From Maui Time Maui Biologist Pauline Fiene Says The Proposed Olowalu Town Project Endangers Some Of The Most Unique Coral Reefs In Hawaii
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Board of Variances Dismisses MT Appeal on Megamall
on July 27, 2012An appeal before the County Board of Variances and Appeals, brought by Maui Tomorrow Foundation, South Maui Citizens for Responsible Growth and Daniel Kanahele, appealing the Director of the…
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