New Landfill & Heavy Industrial Development in Pu’unene
A developer is moving ahead with plans to build an 86-acre, $20 million heavy industrial subdivision near the old Puunene Airport. CMBY 2011 Investment has finished a draft environmental assessment,…
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Endangered Hawai’i
Hawai’i has one-third of the U.S. endangered birds but not enough funding to protect them from mongoose and habitat loss. This video was created by the Bird Conservancy.
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Haleakala Commercial Services EA
Draft Commercial Services Plan and Environmental Assessment Description: The purpose of the plan is to provide direction for the management of commercial services…
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First Wind Explains Kaheawa Wind Operations
By KEKOA KALUHIWA A June 15 letter writer asked why the wind turbines on Maui aren’t ever turning at the same time. While the 14 new turbines in the makai…
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Mixed-use makeover planned at R&T park
Hotel, homes, village center among proposed additions to Kihei campus June 30, 2012 By NANEA KALANI – Staff Writer, The Maui News Owners of the…
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Maui Now Writeup on Kihei Mega Mall
Politicians Enter Battle Over Planned Kihei Malls By Tom Blackburn Rodriguez The fight over the fate of two malls planned for Kihei in South Maui has turned into a battle of…
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Rep Fontaine Writes to LUC & DOT re Mega Mall
Mr. Daniel E. Orodenker, Executive OfficerMr. Norman R. Lezy, ChairLand Use CommissionState of HawaiiPOB 2359Honolulu, HI 96804-2359 Dear Mr. Orodenker and Mr. Lezy:
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Ka’anapali-Kahekili Watershed Comments
Below is an email about the recently released draft of the Ka’anapali-Kahekili Watershed Characterization, which was put together by NOAA and a consultant from Sustainable Resources Group International, Inc. You…
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Sen Baker’s Letter to Land Use Commission
Mr. Daniel E. OrodenkerExecutive OfficerMr. Normand R. LezyChairLand Use CommissionState of HawaiiP.O. Box 2359Honolulu, Hawaii 96804 Dear Mr. Orodenker and Mr….
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