Bag Fee Bill Advances to Conference | Maui Tomorrow Foundation

Bag Fee Bill Advances to Conference

SB 1363 Plastic Bag Fee – The House and Senate Conferees have been assigned. Because the Senate and House versions of this bill differ, representatives may be inclined to feel differently than they did before. Everyone on the Conference Committee previously voted “aye”, but many with reservations.

When a legislator votes “aye with reservations” it usually means he sees there is no chance of the bill being voted down. Because if they vote “no”, they cannot participate in Conference Committee where the differing House and Senate versions are reconciled, they vote “aye with reservations” and attempt to gut the bill in Conference Committee. Conference Committee can end up completely changing a bill although the goal is to come to consensus on the versions which passed each house.

One fear is that the Conference Committee will re-insert language that preempts Maui and Kauai’s plastic bag bans. Fortunately we have two Maui Senators and a Maui Rep on the Conference Committee who will fight for us.

If you have a position on SB 1363, you can phone the conferees:


* Rep. Denny Coffman (808-586-9605)
* Rep. Angus McKelvey (808-586-6160)
* Rep. Marcus Oshiro (808-586-6200)
* Rep. Pono Chong (808-586-9490)
* Rep. Mark Hashem (808-586-6510)
* Rep. Tokioka (808-586-6270)
* Rep. Thielen (808-586-6480)


* Sen. Mike Gabbard (808-586-6830)
* Sen. Carol Fukunaga (808-586-6890)
* Sen. David Ige (808-586-6230)
* Sen. Rosalyn Baker (808-586-6070)
* Sen. J. Kalani English (808-587-7225)
* Sen. Ronald Kouchi (808-586-6030)

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