‘Āina First welcomes back Steve Apfelbaum from Applied Ecological Services (AES) for a riveting presentation on the role the Central Valley (and beyond), can play in regards to local food security and climate change.
As the most isolated island chain on Earth, Hawaii must turn around its total dependence on food and fuel imports. We need to do it now, while we can leverage our human and ecological resources toward solutions. Ensuring Maui has enough food in the future is going to take everyone’s cooperation. Please join us at this free event.
What’s your Kuleana? You have a role in shaping Maui’s future in the era of climate change, come find out what is possible, profitable and pono.
Doors open at 5:30. Presentation begins at 6:00 PM. Tax free donations and sponsorships (table) are available. Make Payable to Food Security Hawaii. For more information, visit ainafirst.com or contact us at info@AinaFirst.com.